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The Pressroom Is Shutting Down An Entire City Block For The 6th Annual AZHHF

The footprint for the 6th Annual AZ Hip Hop Festival is here and its safe to say that it looks like a good one. The battle of throwing an ever growing festival makes the logistics of where to host it a little stressful to say the least. The Pressroom, located at 441 W. Madison St in downtown Phoenix, is hosting the festival this year. With Select backing the festival and only 94 days until the event, anticipation and hype are building and the plans for the layout of the event have been released.

The footprint for this year will see the city block of W. Madison St to W. Jackson St and S. 5th Ave to S. 4th Ave shut down for the festival. The entrance will be located at the corner of W Madison St and S 5th Ave. There will be Food Trucks lining S. 5th Ave and vendor areas on the corner of W. Madison St and S. 4th Ave as well as throughout the interior of the festival. The Art Walk will be adjacent to The Pressroom and surrounded on the other three sides by vendors. There will be six "key stages" where the artists will be performing.

Stage A will be located on S. 5th Ave. Stage B will be located in The Pressroom along with Stage F with the rest of the stages being located throughout the festival. This year's footprint looks to be a solid one.

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