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George FloyD KiLLER Has ALLEGED Illegal Voting History

Derek Chauvin, the cop who was caught on camera killing George Floyd, have sparked protests all throughout the country as people are coming together in droves and in unity against systematic racism and abuse against African Americans. Chauvin is up against second-degree, third-degree, and manslaughter charges that could put him behind bars for the rest of his life.

A Twitter thread started by Danny Rivero on Friday showed that Chauvin has a history of voting illegally in US elections. During both the 2016 and 2018 elections, it us being reported that Chauvin voted in Florida even though he was claiming residence and paying his taxes in Minnesota. He did have a home in Orange County Florida but wasn't legally allowed to vote there. This allegation would account to a felony and can lead to even more jail time. Even though it has yet to be seen if Chauvin will face any charges for these allegations, its a stark example of someone who thinks that they are above the law.

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