This quarantine has everyone turning to social media to stay connected and Spotify to stay entertained. Dance challenges from Tik Tok flood our feeds and with them, we are getting some great music to help us stay sane throughout all of this. The latest track, "Take It All Off", from Utah artist Cotes is a hip-moving gem that will make you want this quarantine to end faster or head to Tik Tok and show everyone how you "Take It All Off".

The instrumental in this song, like most songs from Cotes, is a breath of fresh air. The way that homemade food just hits the spot in a way that the alternatives just don't. There is something more honest about it and that goes for his lyrics too. If you have listened to Cotes before then you know he isn't just an evolving artist, he is truly dedicated lyricist. His lyrical ability truly stands out in the second verse. This faster pace gets subtly blended into a smooth croon that Cotes uses to perfection. The song writing ability here is obvious. The cadences that ride the beat perfectly and allow for maximum impact of his lyrics, this is Cotes at his best.
The best part of this track might be the fact that it is such a universally appealing piece of work. If you need an anthem to help you celebrate your value or be inspired to find it, this track is for you. If you just want something really great to dance to or just appreciate a well crafted song, then you can easily find yourself putting this on repeat. That is real talent. Check out Cotes and all his tracks on Spotify or wherever you listen to your jams.
by: Steven Sandage