We all need something new to inject into our playlists once in awhile, or daily for many people, and that means combing through hashtags and discussion groups to find a diamond in the rough. Well we have found a diamond for you. Double Back, the latest EP from BNasty & Tevo is that hidden gem you've been waiting for and it is just in time for summer beach trips and endless party nights.

The vibe hits you just right on the intro track "Phantom" where the beat and hook work seemlessly together to give you a "less is more without holding back" approach. The mood keeps elevating on the second aptly named track "Party" which makes you wanna start dancing or throwing cash in the air as soon as the beat hits. This track might be the most radio friendly of all, and that is saying a lot when its on an EP full of them. Tevo stands out heavily on this one as he delivers a confident flow with bars to match. The middle track "Mayday" is a clinic in how to craft an ominous song with a bunch of swag and almost turn it into the best song on a project. BNasty does a great job of invoking cadences similar to Hopsin or Chance the Rapper at times without ever sounding like either enough to spark the thought to go any further.
The vibes hit a siesta type chill with the next track "Everyday" and its easy listening with a seemingly effortless delivery surrounding heartfelt intentions. This track serves not only as a great windows down road trip song but also as proof that BNasty & Tevo are definitely multilayered artists that have a lot of different sides to their music. The last song on the EP is "Smash" and its a perfect close out track for the project. The song is full of a matured bravado that harkens back to the days of the Rat Pack. There is a calm determination throughout the entire EP and it culminates perfectly on this track with lines from BNasty like "Im doing this shit with a passion, imma come in with way too much fashion."
The only real downside of this EP is that it isn't longer but in saying that we must give the EP credit for doing its job. It got us hooked and now we want an album. If you need something new to inject into your playlists then we suggest the latest EP Double Back from BNasty & Tevo. When we say new we don't just mean recently released, we also mean a whole new vibe. Lyricism is making a comeback in hip hop and this EP is prime example of the the fundamental elements of hip hop with a contemporary influence.
by: Steven Sandage