We are 10 days from the 6th Annual Arizona Hip Hop Festival. With everyone gearing up for their favorite time of the year, we wanted to highlight some artists you should check out when the biggest Hip Hop event in Arizona commences for the sixth year in a row. We present, Joseph Bills, the next artist we know you need to know.

If you have ever been to a hip hop show and the energy is decidedly #maxedout then chances are you were at a Joseph Bills show. The career of Joseph Bills started 16 years ago with some heavy traction being gained within the past two years. Bills prides himself on delivering passionate music and performances that could easily help him stand out amongst his peers without his lyrical mastery. If you listen to any Joseph Bills song or especially if you see him perform, you might be so captivated by the energy and exuberance that you forget to dissect the lyrics. That's where the real impressive side of Joseph Bills comes into play. Using his hustle as a bow, his passion as the arrow and his lyrics as the poison tip, Joseph Bills hits his targets with ease and let's the lyrics course thru your veins. His songs "Tiger Duck", aptly named after his tiger striped and often mischievous rubber duck mascot, and "Blah , Blah" give a great glimpse into the mind of the #maxedout Arizona rapper. Don't miss out on his intense performance as a headlining artist at the 6th Annual AZ Hip Hop Festival.
by: Steven Sandage