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6th Annual Artist Spotlight Vol. 20 - Fuzzy Beard

There are only 23 days left until the 6th Annual Arizona Hip Hop Festival and everyone is looking at the lineups, trying to decide which artists to catch live. We wanted to help highlight some artists you should check out when the biggest Hip Hop event in Arizona commences for the sixth year in a row. Here is the most unique headliner this year, Fuzzy Beard!

Hip Hop has grown to incorporate a lot of new things. New concepts. New artists. However this particular artist stands (ironically) above the rest. From an animated encounter with a Twitter bird to educational raps and an abundance of comedic content; Fuzzy Beard is hands down the most unique artist out right now. Being a therapist and offering mental health programs for kids (K-6th) puts Fuzzy Beard in a truly unique position. When he speaks about issues both big and small and gives his nuanced advise or commentary you can trust its filtered through his expertise in helping the weakest deal with the hardest. He is the only puppet we know of that is qualified to help. Most of us grow up watching shows that feature puppets. From Sesame Street to Cousin Skeeter it has been a staple of childhood for a very long time and because of that we never stop having a love for puppets. So you can be sure that everyone from infants to the elderly can get into Fuzzy Beard and his unique brand of Hip Hop. He delivers in a way that kids and adults can get behind while actually being a talented artist. He can rap and doesn’t hide behind his puppet identity as a crutch. Listen to his song “Sorry” and you’ll get that he is not just a one trick puppet. This felt skinned rapper can go. If you want some legit rap, if you want a positive Hip Hop influence in your kid’s lives, or you just want a something completely different then you have to check out Fuzzy Beard, The Hip Hop Puppet at the 6th Annual Arizona Hip Hop Festival.

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